The Cities Heat Detox – Healthy Heat for Cities

For cleaner air, a stronger economy, and more resilient communities

The way we heat today, by burning fossil fuels, is detrimental to our environment, our health, and our society.
Fossil-fuelled heating, representing 72% of buildings’ heating in Europe today, contributes to climate change,
energy insecurity and deteriorated air quality. There is no doubt: for a healthier and more secure future, our
cities need a comprehensive cleansing of toxic heat sources.

Cities have the potential to make a big difference. Through effective heat planning and the expansion of
collective solutions, for example solar district heating, local governments can phase out gas in their heating on a large scale.

The Cities Heat Detox Campaign is an awareness-raising campaign aimed to empower and inspire cities to decarbonise heat at local level through comprehensive heat planning and the expansion of district heating.

As part of the campaign, the Covenant of Mayors recently launched its CoM-munity stories, featuring an interactive map with best practices of cities decarbonizing their heat supply across Europe. Solar Heat Europe is proud to have contributed three excellent cases of Solar District Heating networks to this initiative, namely those of Silkeborg, DenmarkSalaspils, Latvia, and Geneva, Switzerland.

Join the movement of European cities detoxifying their heat, opting for a secure and healthy future for all. 

#HealthyHeat4Cities #CitiesHeatDetox

Further details about the campaign are available on the official website

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