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Manifesto and 2030 Roadmap


Ahead of the 2024 EU elections, the European solar heating and cooling sector presented their manifesto, making a compelling case for the pivotal role of Solar Heat in the energy transition and Europe’s economy. The manifesto aims to inform the decision-makers about the main challenges for the 2024-2029 mandate affecting the solar thermal sector, proposing concrete measures, while pointing out the benefits and opportunities that solar thermal technology presents for achieving a sustainable energy future.

2030 Roadmap

During its 30-year anniversary celebration in June 2022, Solar Heat Europe launched its 2030 Solar Thermal Roadmap for Europe. It provides reliable and up to date data as well as projections on the potential of the solar thermal sector, gathered and developed together with Solar Heat Europe’s members and stakeholders, showcasing solar thermal’s contribution to the energy transition by 2030 and 2050. The roadmap aims to highlight the benefits of solar thermal, set targets for the sector, improve the business environment for a competitive solar industry, and remove barriers to the uptake of solar thermal technologies.

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