Key Facts
Torrelodones, Spain
Solar Collectors Area 2 PVT panels
Commissioned 2021
Type of collector/supplier PVT manufactured by Abora Solar
Project Developer Abora Solar
Annual Energy Delivery 4,095 kWh of heat and 6,023 kWh of electricity
CO2 savings 3,761 kg per year
A single-family home with an adjacent outdoor pool in Torrelodones, Spain, makes the most out of their rooftop space by combining solar PV and PVT panels for renewable heat and electricity supply.
Two PVT panels, working in combination with eight PV panels, are sufficient to supply the outdoor private pool and cover domestic hot water needs. Furthermore, they contribute to the electricity production of the PV panels. All solar thermal technologies produce the same amount of energy as PV in one third of the space, making them a space- and cost-efficient solution.
Thanks to this solar installation, 3,761 kg of CO2 emissions are saved every year.