Huesca’s industrial laundry

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Key Facts
Huesca, Spain
Market Segment Solar Heat for Industrial Processes Solar Collectors Area 63 PVT panels Commissioned 2020 Type of collector/supplier PVT manufactured by Abora Solar Project Developer Abora Solar Annual Energy Delivery 88,827 kWh of heat and 32,158 kWh of electricity CO2 savings 40,715 kg per year


ITL Laundry, an industrial laundry facility in Huesca, Spain, faces significant thermal energy demand due to its high hot water consumption. Solar thermal technology is able to meet this demand and, when coupled with PV technology, the one for electricity as well.


This hybrid solar installation consists of 63 PVT panels manufactured by Abora Solar and installed by Climetel on the building’s rooftop. With its 2-in-1 technology, PVT panels are capable to meet both the heat and electricity requirements of the laundry’s facilities.

Financial Structure

The payback period of this installation is 7 years. The laundry owners report that in terms of profitability, they have seen that since the first day of operation the panels have already been reducing parts of the bills for both gas and electricity month by month, contributing significantly to energy cost savings.

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