Key Facts
Belluno, Italy
Solar Collectors Area 32 PVT panels
Commissioned 2022
Type of collector/supplier PVT manufactured by Abora Solar
Project Developer Abora Solar
Annual Energy Delivery 38,521 kWh of heat and 13,748 kWh of electricity
CO2 savings 18,387 kg per year
A student residence in Belluno, Italy, switched to a renewable heating system in 2022, combining photovoltaic-thermal panels with a biomass boiler. In this way, both energy bills and emissions of the residence are significantly cut.
This renewable heating system features 32 hybrid PVT panels manufactured by Abora Solar and installed by Acaia Lavio. These panels supply the student residence with clean heat and electricity all year round. Additionally, they work in combination with a biomass boiler, showing how clean heating technologies can be fruitfully paired to maximise on-site sustainable energy production. Thanks to this installation, 18,387 kg of CO2 emissions are saved every year.