My TEst 123
Solar Heat Europe/ESTIF a.i.s.b.l is registered under Belgian law as an international non-profit association.Its Statutes are registered officially and can be accessed here. The objectives of the association are to study and promote the use of solar thermal energy.
Association Structure
Comprised by various types of members (as described in the Statutes), the association is governed by the General Assembly of Members which meets in principle once a year to agree on the priorities of the association, its work programme, its budget and to electits Board (every 2 years).
The association is managed by the Board in line with the decisions of the General Assembly. The Board meets on average 6 to 8 times a year.
In addition, various Working Groups exist, reporting to the Board, as well as potential Task Forces to progress the work of the association. This includes the National Association WG with all representatives’ associations of the solar thermal sector in the various European countries.