Decarbonising heat with Solar Thermal – Market Outlook 2022 / 2023

Earlier in October, Solar Heat Europe released its Solar Thermal Market Outlook 2022/2023, reporting an overall increase of sales across Europe of +12% in 2022 compared to 2021, reaching a total installed capacity of 40.5 GWth. Notable growth was seen in Italy (+43%) and France (+36%).

Currently, over 10 million households in Europe are already equipped with solar thermal. The sales of solar thermal installations continued to grow for the third consecutive year, with a total of +2.2 million m2 solar collectors installed in Europe in 2022. Furthermore, major growth in PVT sales was observed in Germany, Italy, and Spain. There is a projected doubling of sales for solar thermal plants in industries expected in the period 2023-2026. Additionally, major solar district heating networks are currently under construction, notably in Germany and the Netherlands.

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The release of the Solar Thermal Market Outlook coincided with the adoption of the revised Renewable Energy Directive (RED) by the Council. Solar Heat Europe welcomed this key framework for Europe’s energy transition, calling for the active promotion and deployment of solar heating and cooling, as a ready-to-deploy technology enabling the decarbonisation of a vast number of buildings, district heating and industries.

Guglielmo Cioni, President of Solar Heat Europe, emphasized: “The adoption of the Renewable Energy Directive revision is a crucial milestone of Fit for 55. Solar heat contributes directly to several of the targets set for 2030: 42.5% of RES in the EU energy consumption; the obligation for Member States to increase the share of RES in H&C; the decarbonisation of buildings, district heating, and industry. These measures must be swiftly implemented by Member States to meet EU climate targets and ensure energy security and affordability. However, we stress the importance of introducing more binding targets in future legislation, especially in industry and district heating, to accelerate further towards full deployment of investments. Our factories, based all over Europe, are ready to ramp up production and deploy. The data that we release today indicates how influential Member States’ role can be to give the right market signals. The solar thermal sector will continue to work hand in hand with authorities in all EU countries to grow the share of decarbonised heating and cooling solutions for citizens and industries thanks to the sun’s energy, leading us to energy security and affordability.”

Solar Thermal Market Outlook 2022/2023

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